Management Consultancy
Management Consultancy indicates the practice of helping organizations improve their performance, primarily through the analysis of existing business problems and development of plans for improvement through qualified professionals. Management has been defined as 'the art of getting results through other people'. Consultancy is less easy to define. The key words are probably qualified and professional. Firstly the word 'qualified' implies the experience of management, whilst the word 'professional' implies both an ethical or objective standard, and the backing of a developed and proved body of knowledge. Whilst it is often change that makes management necessary, it is the requirements of change that makes management difficult. Management consultancy is therefore primarily concerned with initiating and implementing technological and behavioural changes.
Following areas are handled and catered to under Management Concultancy:
  • Project review - from performance, potential & growth angle
  • Project reports
  • Business Valuation
  • Business Counseling - Business Restructuring / Business Process Re-engineering / Turn Around
  • Credit Monitoring
  • Management Information System
  • Sickness Studies
  • Growth Strategies
  • Cost analysis and cost control
  • Setting up of Business in India
  • Foreign/Technical Collaborations
  • Joint Ventures
  • Tax Planning
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