Financing covers the economics of the contingent claims. Financial economists study the valuation of these claims, the markets in which they are traded, and their use by individuals, corporations, and the society at large. The term "finance" may thus incorporate any of the following:
  • The study of money and other assets;
  • The management and control of those assets;
  • Profiling and managing project risks;
  • The science of managing money;
Finance remains one of the key resource in setting up of any project - Commercial or Non– Commercial. It is this need which is professionally catered to through legitimate resources. The expertise lies in presenting the workable idea to the financer in a manner which benefits both the parties i.e. the Financer and the Borrower - thus creating the agreeable win - win situation for all.
Following areas are covered in this field of service:
  • Project Funding
  • Working Capital Finance
  • Angel Funding
  • Venture Capital Funding
  • Joint Ventures
  • Loan against property
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